espell ecosystem

Proford – Association of Professional Language Service Providers

Its members include the top LSCs in the country. espell's CEO, Miklós Bán, is currently president of the organisation.

Szoft – Hungarian Freelance Translators and Interpreters Association

Szoft is important to us because we see it as a gateway to the freelance translation community. It is also crucial to us that Szoft and its members adhere to the Translation Industry Cooperation Agreements. espell has been involved with Szoft since its founding and we still support the association today. When selecting our Hungarian freelance linguist partners, we prefer to work with Szoft members.

EUATC – European Union of Associations of Translation Companies

It is the umbrella organisation for translation company associations in Europe (including Proford in Hungary). Miklós Bán, espell’s CEO, was vice-president of the association until 2023.

EULOGIA – European alliance of language services providers

Many EULOGIA members are espell subcontractors, and some are customers.

MCE – Meet Central Europe

An annual translation industry conference that we attend regularly. The broader theme of MCE is vendor management. The conference was started by four national associations of language services companies, specifically the Czech, the Hungarian (Proford), the Austrian and the Slovakian associations.

We Are Open

A community initiative to promote diversity and equity in the workplace, founded by Google, Prezi and espell, and now with the participation of 1000+ companies, institutions and communities.